Sunday, March 20, 2011

3/20/11 - Rain Rain Go Away

I'm so bummed. We have been planning a trip to Disneyland with our friend Paul for quite some time now. Today was going to be the day until someone turned the sprinkler on and forgot to shut the darn thing off!  It's been raining all day.  I don't mean the typical California "rain" that consists of a slight drizzle that delays traffic an extra hour per 5 miles.  No...I mean the type of rain you folks experience in other places in the world...the kind that is even too hard for me to take my 3 yr old out to splash in the puddles in.

GRRRR...too much rain.

Tried to take a picture from the safe covering on our front porch...but as I's very difficult to capture rain. I should really put up an audio track. This rain is LOUD!


  1. Wow -- that rain LOOKS loud! Cool pictures, Amber. Nathan seemed excited about the rain when we talked last night. Typical California rain here today -- drizzle. But enough to keep me home from Disneyland too. LOL

  2. That rain photo is absolutely amazing. I can hear it from the shot you captured!!! For some reason I haven't been getting an update on your blog, so that's why I haven't commented. I have to say I love the Amazing Race and I agree- great family show! (We haven't been watching it this year, but I need to get caught up.)
