Some days bring a wealth of cute photos. Today was one of those days. I thought I got the photo of the day several times. Here are a few of the runner ups.
Getting ready to go play outside with Mommy. Look at that perfect little face.
Outside on his trike...having a blast and being silly. Adorable.
Was absolutely positive this was going to be the photo of the day. I just LOVE this action shot.
That was going to be it, until Daddy asked Nathan help him do some work in the garage. I mean, come on. How cute is this!?!
I remember handing my dad tools and holding the light when he would tune up the old Buick. Nathan with the safety glasses -- holding the light -- what a choice moment!! And that face -- and the joy of jumping in puddles and riding his trike -- I can barely wait the few days it will be till I get to share that joy in person!