Sunday, March 15, 2015

3/15/15 - Day 74 - “You are the Star”

This image was actually taken on March 28th, but as I either missed or misplaced the March 15th photo I thought I'd put this one in its place.  It easily could have been taken on this day as Sunday is the day I most frequently have access to this view.

I snapped this shot right after a headshot session Hollywood on the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and Wilcolx. There is a little cubby in the wall right next to this mural that I use every time I shoot here...but I've never taken a photo of this cool mural in all the times I've been here. I just love's so very Hollywood. 

Apparently this mural is titled “You are the Star”and was the first ever mural painted by Thomas Suriya. Painted in 1983. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool mural! It would be fun to identify the stars more than just on the first couple of rows. Fun that Liz and Richard are in their Cleopatra and Marc Antony characters.
