Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

And so it begins.  The end of 2010 marks a new journey for me, my photography, and my family. 

2010 was very good to us.  It sent me to Africa, potty trained my boy, started him at pre-school, helped me find grace in the face of adversity.  We were blessed to keep our jobs, though at the same time last year taught us flexibility when both of us were sent to work at new locations.  I've grown as a homemaker, a wife, a mother, a teacher, and a photographer.  I'm so filled with joy and love and can't wait to experience all that 2011 has to offer.  We expect there may be some big changes this year and welcome them with open arms.  Change is, after all, the catalyst for growth.

So, here is the first official photo of the project. 

Taken at home on my coffee table at 1 am on Jan 1, 2011.  Inside the glass....Martinelli's Sparkling Cider.  I hate Champagne.            Canon 5D Mark II. f/2  ss 1/40 ISO 800 Focal length 50mm.  Flash bounced off ceiling behind me at -2.


  1. What an AWESOME idea Amber! So glad you put the link to this blog on facebook! I love picture a day formats! And your photos are so thats a bonus! Happy New year to you guys! :)

  2. It has been almost a year, and this blog has been such a blessing to me as I moved away from daily contact with you and Rich and Nathan. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do; so seeing daily photos of you all, especially Nathan, and being let in on your daily activities, and seeing you grow as a photographer, and understanding when the blog got harder to maintain, and admiring your tenacity anyway, has made the separation bearable. I truly think God prompted you to do this to help me through a difficult time. Bless you for your talent and honesty and wonderful eye. I love you, Dear Amber.
